Ceremony to Commence Renovation – With Prayers 开工仪式 (有安神者)

Published: 19 August 2024


Ceremony to Commence Renovation – With Prayers 开工仪式 (有安神者)

For those who intend to pray in the premises:


  1. Before the ceremony commences, open all the doors and windows, and place the above items at the center of the living room.​ 在仪式开始之前,打开所有门窗,把上述用品摆放在客厅中央。​


  1. At the specified time, light the 5 joss sticks and begin praying, facing the red arrow direction indicated in the plan.​ 在指定时间点燃五支香,面向图上所标的红箭头方向拜祭。​


  1. Stand the incense papers on its side and insert the joss-sticks in between the sheets.​ 将香安插在竖放之金银纸的纸缝间。​


  1. Next, lightly sprinkle the mixture of rice, salt and tea leaves around every corners of the premises.​ 然后将掺好的米、盐、茶叶轻轻洒遍室内每个角落。​


  1. As a gesture to start renovation, hammer lightly on the floors or walls.​用铁锤随意在各处的地板或墙壁上敲打几下,以示开工。​


  1. Lastly, burn the incense papers and joss-sticks outside the premises. They must not be burnt within the premises.​ 最后,将金银纸和香拿到室外焚烧,千万不可在室内焚烧。​


  1. Half an hour after the ceremony, the rice, salt and tea leaves may be swept away.​ 仪式过后的半个钟头,即可将米、盐、茶叶扫除。​


Note 注:

  • This ceremony can be performed by anyone except for those born under the conflict zodiac sign of the day.​ 开工可由他人代劳,但忌当日生肖冲犯者 ​


  • Pregnant women are not to be at the premises.​ 孕妇不宜在场​


  • You may perform your custom ceremony either before or after the ceremony.​ 如果您有自己的习俗,则可在仪式之前或之后进行​


  • Master will not be involved in this ceremony.​ 师父不会参与此仪式


Thanksgiving Ceremony 谢土仪式


You have to conduct the ‘Thanksgiving Ceremony’ on the day of ‘Making Wishes’ if: 以下情况须在许愿当天进行谢土:

  • You have followed ceremony (those who intend to pray in premises) to commence renovation but later decided not to pray in the premises.以“供奉神明者”进行开工仪式,而过后又决定不要安神。
  • The date for ‘Setting the Altar’ is after the date for ‘Making Wishes’.


  1. After you have made your wishes on the specified date and time, place the above items at the center of the living room. Light the 5 joss sticks and begin praying, facing the red arrow direction indicated in the plan. 在指定的入宅日期及时间许愿后,将上述用品摆放在客厅中央,点燃五支香,面向在图上所标的红箭头方向拜祭。
  2. Stand the incense papers on its side and insert the joss sticks in between the sheets. 将香安插在竖放之金银纸的纸缝间。
  3. Lastly, burn the incense papers and joss sticks outside the premises. 最后,将金银纸和香拿到室外焚烧。



Other procedures 其他仪式