2023 Dates for Discontinuation, Formality to & Commencement of Work (收工与开工日期)

Be it managing a business, running a shop, operating a factory, or working in an office, people hope to start or end work on a good note, and to progress steadily and safely in the new year. As the saying goes “Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end.” Hence, it is equally important to select auspicious dates for the discontinuation (shou gong, 收工) and commencement of work (kai gong, 开工)
Many companies and factories like to carry out the formality to work prior to commencement of work. The ‘formality’ refers to the custom (kai gong yi shi, 开工仪式)of employees expressing Chinese New Year greetings to their boss(es) or superior(s) and exchanging best wishes for auspiciousness. Typically, people would return home shortly after carrying out the formality to work.
Things to do for discontinuation of work
1) Clearing the desk
The Lunar New Year represents the start of a new year. During this period, every household will carry out spring cleaning. You can do so for your work desk too. Try to discard unnecessary items and wipe your desk clean. Tidy up your workspace for a fresh start.
2) Place an ang pao (red packet) in the drawer
Prior to the discontinuation of work, you can place an ang pao in your drawer. You can choose to put any amount in the ang pao or take reference from the lucky number of your zodiac sign. Placing an ang pao in the drawer is a symbol of good luck, and you can keep it there for a year so that you can enjoy smooth progress in everything that you do.
3) Clear all outstanding debts
On this day, you must clear all outstanding debts, be it lunch money that your colleague(s) helped you to pay previously or parking fees. Ideally, you should return money to all those whom you owed. Also, you should ensure that others do not owe you money. That way, you can look forward to rolling riches this year.
Ceremony to commence work
1) All staff should gather around the office entrance during the auspicious hour.
2) The door opening ceremony is usually led by someone from the management team. Note that if your zodiac sign is in conflict with the day of the ceremony, you should not be the one opening the door.
3) Once the door is opened, all office personnel are to shout auspicious greetings.
4) The business owner shall distribute ang paos to all employees to ensure a prosperous year ahead!
5) For employees, prepare two Mandarin oranges and express your best wishes with auspicious phrases to your boss and colleagues.
For those who have yet to select the auspicious dates for discontinuation, formality to, and commencement of work, check out the following table to select the dates now!