2020 Snake Zodiac Forecast


1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001

Luck [76%]

For those born in the year of the snake, 2020 is a year of smooth tidings in all aspects of life. Your career, wealth, and even marriage will progress, and you should prepare to go full force with your ambitions. During this time, you should also do as much good as possible to help others and generate positive energy. However, Indulgence Star (小耗) and Robbery Star (劫煞) may induce financial instability; avoid displays of wealth that make you a target of petty crime. Consider displaying Stars of Affluence to increase your chances of receiving uplifting news when it comes to your career, wealth, and health luck!

Wealth [80%]

With things going your way at work, your wealth luck will flourish this year. If you make the right investment choices, the dividends are sure to delight you. Given your gregarious nature, you are always happy to share your investment tips and opportunities to help friends and family share in good fortune. However, you can be too extravagant with treating others – this can lead to needless wealth loss. Try not to wear flashy jewellery or keep large sums of money at home, lest you become the target of crime. Consider wearing Blissful Fortune to invite prosperity and fortune into your life this year, further elevating your quality of life!

Romance [80%]

Your small acts of kindness towards others may attract the admiration of potential partners around you, resulting in a new relationship. If you are in a relationship, this is a good year to start planning for marriage as your career and finances are building up nicely. Married couples will also enjoy a fulfilling and harmonious year due to good finances, but you will still experience some friction with relatives due to different ways of doing things. Let go of differences whenever possible, since arguing your stand will only lead to disharmony.

Good (Ranked 4th)
Auspicious Direction(s): Northeast, West
Auspicious Number(s): 2, 10
Auspicious Colour(s): Grey, Brown, White, Gold
Compatible Zodiac Sign(s): Ox, Rooster

Full 2020 Snake video here: 

For more information on your luck cycle in 2020, do not forget to grab a copy of Way Fengshui’s 2020 publications! Order online from Way Fengshui Lifestyle or Qoo10.

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