2020 Tiger Zodiac Forecast

Tiger Zodiac Forecast

1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010

Luck [48%]

Your overall luck this year is not stellar, especially when it comes to relationships and health. You are likely to become more fretful due to the threat of unlucky stars like Sorrow Star (孤辰) and Mourning Star (孤辰). Fortunately, Voyager Star (驿马) can help salvage the situation with opportunities to head overseas for further studies or career development: life will be more steady overseas and you may even obtain more income. Cherish your loved ones now and do not wait till you lose them to regret not showing them care and affection. Consider wearing the Chrysoprase to enhance your overall luck and unleash your hidden potential!

Wealth [60%]

You will have to travel frequently for work this year, and this results in increased expenditure for transportation, entertainment, and other work duties. Budgeting wisely for this is important, especially when visiting places with a higher cost of living. As you have little spare time this year to make changes to your investment portfolio or start new investments, maintaining the status quo may be ideal. While in foreign and unfamiliar places, safeguard your valuables and documents to avoid losing them and throwing your plans into disarray. Consider displaying Flowing Prosperity to attract abundant wealth opportunities.

Romance [20%]

If you are single, this is not the best time to get into a new romance – you will be busy finding your footing in a new environment. Those in a relationship will need to work extra hard on building trust and support for your irregular schedule, especially if you are married and have to be stationed overseas for a period of time. A long-distance relationship will naturally be fraught with difficulties in communication, so do your best to stay in touch. Pay more attention to the health and mood of elders in your home, and cherish their presence before they are gone.

Average (Ranked 9th)
Auspicious Direction(s): Northeast, East
Auspicious Number(s): 2, 4
Auspicious Colour(s): Grey, Brown, Green
Auspicious Zodiac Sign(s): Ox, Rabbit

Full 2020 Tiger video here: 

For more information on your luck cycle in 2020, do not forget to grab a copy of Way Fengshui’s 2020 publications! Order online from Way Fengshui Lifestyle or Qoo10.

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