3 Must-Dos Before Commencing Renovation For Smooth-Sailing Progress & A Safe Household!

3 Must-Dos Before Commencing Renovation For Smooth-Sailing Progress & A Safe Household!

After the Door Opening Ceremony and prior to staying in your new premises, renovation is required but before that, don’t miss out on the Ceremony To Commence Renovation!

1. 3 Simple Steps To Commence Renovation:

*Applicable to new premises and free thinkers.

  1. On the selected day and time, scatter rice, salt and tea leaves within your premises.
  2. After that, use a hammer to gently knock on the floor and walls for a few times to indicate the commencement of renovation.
  3. The rice, salt and tea leaves may be cleared after hour.


  1. Others may help to conduct the Ceremony To Commence Renovation on your behalf but the person’s zodiac must not be in clash on that day.
  2. It is unadvisable for pregnant women to be present.
  3. If your religion has specific rituals for commencing renovation, please proceed accordingly based on your common practices.

2. 3 Aspects To Consider During Renovation


The stove should be placed in inauspicious sectors and facing an auspicious direction to suppress negative qi, providing health luck for the family.


Determine the wealth position of your house, place a coin bank there and deposit coins daily to enjoy flourishing wealth luck!


Bed position must complement the couple’s Bazi for close marital relations and a harmonious family.

Call now to engage Master Goh Guan Leong’s fengshui services for a happier and prosperous family!

3. Choose An Auspicious Date To Commence Renovation